Dictionary of Old English Online Store


Your personal and credit card information is protected while you are shopping online at the DOE.

Online shopping at the Dictionary of Old English is convenient and easy.

Simply select an item from one of our online catalogue pages and it is added to your shopping cart. After each selection, the number of items in your cart and the total cost will be shown in the top right-hand corner. You can change or remove items in your cart at any time by clicking on "View Cart" (this only shows up when you have something in your shopping cart) at the top of the page. When you are satisfied with your selections, proceed to checkout.

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The Dictionary of Old English Online and the DOE Web Corpus are now freely available to the general public. Each user will get 20 free logins every year.

Make sure you don't have anything in your shopping cart.

For existing users: Please go to our store. Click on "Login" and login with your username and password. You may now use your username and password to access the DOE or the Web Corpus 20 times each, i.e. for 20 logins.

For new users: Please go to our store. Click on "Login", then click on "New Customer". Fill in the information form and click on "Save" in order to set up a username and password. You may now use your username and password to access the DOE or the Web Corpus 20 times each, i.e. for 20 logins.

Once you have exhausted your free logins, you will receive an automated invoice. You can pay the invoice to get unlimited access to the DOE resources for a year, or you can wait for a year and we will grant you another 20 free logins.

Each time you enter your username and password it is counted as one access.

  • Once you log in, there is no time limit as long as your session stay active
  • You can refresh your browser, or even close it and open it again. Within 3 hours of login, you won't be asked to login again.

You will be asked for a username and password:

  • when the DOEonline page has been idle or your browser has been closed longer than 3 hours.
  • when you erase the cookie named doe_sid for tapor.library.utoronto.ca
  • When your paid subscription expires, your free access counter will set to 0 and start counting.
  • A year after your 20th login, your counter will set to 0 and start counting from your first login.

No, but information on trial access is available upon request.

All credit card transactions are managed by Authorize.net. Both Authorize.net and DOE sites use SSL (Secure Socket Layers) technology ensures the security and integrity of the personal information you provide while shopping online. This advanced security system encrypts data transmissions between a web browser and web site, and ensures this information may only be decrypted at its intended destination. SSL works with all major browsers.

Credit card information is not accepted or stored at the DOE.

The Dictionary of Old English will not to release any personal information about our customers to third parties. Your email address will only be used to contact you about your order and its shipping arrangements. As you set up your customer profile, you may choose to be notified about future publications that will be offered online at the DOE. You will only receive these updates if you indicate that you are interested.

While shopping online at the DOE, your web browser may notify you that you are being sent a “cookie”. Cookies are small files on your computer which keep track of the items in your shopping cart. These files do not contain personal information and can only be accessed by the DOE's web site.

On each publication page there is an "Add to Cart" button. Clicking this button adds the item to your shopping cart. To display the contents of your cart click on the number after "Items in cart" on the top bar.

On the page showing the current contents of your shopping cart, there is a small box in the "Quantity/Year" column for each item indicating the quantity you have selected. Change this number to the new quantity you want to purchase. To remove an item from your cart, set the number to 0 (zero) or click on "Delete". Click on the "Update Cart" button and your shopping cart will show the new quantities you selected.

When you have finished selecting the items for your shopping cart, click on the "Login" link in the top right-hand corner.

New Customers:
If you are a new customer, click on "New Customer"; you will be asked to fill in your customer information and create a password. Once you have done this, click on the "Save" button and a confirmation page which will contain your User ID will appear. It is important that you record both the User ID and the password you selected for future access to your account. Check all the information you provided and continue shopping or proceed to checkout.

Returning Customers:
If you are a returning customer, log in by clicking on "Login" at the top of the page; then type in your User ID / email address and password.

Once you click on the "Check Out" button, you'll see your customer information and the items in your cart. You may modify this information at this point. Under "Payment Information", select the appropriate payment method and click on the appropriate button for your payment.

If you choose to pay by Visa or Master Card, you will reach the payment page where you enter your credit card information. Once your payment went through, you will be presented with a confimration page.

If you choose to pay by cheque or money order, you will be presented with this invoice directly.

If you purchased a site license for the Web Corpus, you will be asked to sign the invoice and mail it along with the unmodified Terms and Conditions to the DOE.

If you still have questions regarding the use of our online store, click here.

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